True story. Everyday I'm sent a message about my photography or Photo Booth. Out of those messages, some consist of people who want to overpay me via credit card, so I can then forward this payment to another vendor for the event. In turn, the money that is deposited to you, you take your amount that you quoted, and then forward the "overpayment" to another vendor, (the initial scam artist) and then they walk away with the money, and then the bank sees that it was a stolen credit card, removes the money from your account, so you're out a lot of money. And, on top of that, the event never existed. Here's an email I had with a scam artist. I did this just for fun to see how far I can string him along to see what lengths he would go to.
Here is the initial email sent to me. Kermit wouldn't be happy. Notice immediately "do you accept credit cards" which I do, but I already knew that it was a red flag.
So I respond. Short talk per say..
He's very insistent on using "his" credit card. Notice also the red flag. He wants to pay me and also the event planner, and also include the tip, and the credit card fees. Also note that he never really replies to my emails, just sends a new email or removes the email that he is replying to.
Hey, I'm in Drexel Hill as well. Why not meet up right?
Its' actually a legit address. Only a few blocks away.
Hey, if you're a few blocks away, why not meet up in person and we can sign a contract?
But, I thought you were just in intensive care and your psychiatrist told you to take it easy??
I'm making sure I give him an out.. Cause you don't want to get ripped off... Right?
Meanwhile, I'm playing dumb. I want to make sure his event is covered!
So now he wants me to make a cash deposit in her account. Red flag #41108. At this point I just want to see how long this can go on for.
Ah.... Nope. NOPE..
This was actually the last email I sent over and never got a response..
Moral of the story kids for all of those in business. We see this scam everyday. And the worst part is that there are people EVERYDAY who fall for this. Make sure you know who you are doing business with. Not only are they emailing us with this bullshit, but they are also texting our phones as well and using numbers that cannot be tied back to an owner as well.